es ist ja nicht so, dass ich bisher niemanden kennen gelernt hätte. gestern besuchte ich eine musikalische veranstaltung in der bar des bhotels/b nebenan, wo sich regelmäßig die gehobenere intellektuelle clique zu treffen scheint. ich saß b.../b
I love jamie and bkreisten/b and alexa they need to get both on the show like old times!!! #213 ? December 30, 2006 @ 12:35PM ? colleen. yall, alexa is fired and we cant do nothin bout it. i heard somewheres that kristen herrera (dana) might come back to b..../b She told me so herself when i asked her. i went on a bvacation/b and ran into Jamie-lynn. #229 ? January 14, 2007 @ 03:20AM ? Jay. i can tell the hole story if u want. #230 ? January 15, 2007 @ 22:14PM ? Leslie Song [URL] b.../b
15247 TAGLE, KREISTEN DE LEON 15248 TAGLE, LUZENEA ONG 15249 TAGLE, MONALIZA HERNANDEZ 15250 TAGLUCOP, MI-AN JOY EBORA Roll of Successful Examinees in the L.E.T. - SECONDARY - All Regions Held on AUGUST 26, 2007 Released on OCTOBER 24, ...